Thread: [REL] FOTRS Ultimate Project
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Old 12-12-17, 04:22 PM   #5541
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Originally Posted by CapnScurvy View Post
As was said, the air search radar from the stock game never turned off when surfaced. If you had the antenna above water it was "on" constantly giving you detected reports of aircraft....friend or foe. Players suggested that having the ability to turn the air search radar "on/off" (as you can do with the surface search) you could stay surfaced with your boat, and not be hounded by detected friendly aircraft dropping your Time Compression setting to zero. It only seemed logical to allow the player to choose if he wished the radar to be "on/off" while surfaced, so it was reproduced in-game.

To have either air search or surface search radar operational while submerged, you have to go to Radar Depth (which puts the antenna's above the water line), and make sure their turned "on".

Important: You may need to adjust the depth of the sub manually in order to keep the antenna's above water during higher wind speeds that produce heavy sea's. If the surface search units (PPI or A-Scope) turn "off/on" unexpectedly, the trouble is more likely due to the antenna's being too close to the water line. Raise your depth by a couple of yards.
Yeah I see...... BTW the periscope depth order of S class boat sometimes doesn't work in bad sea condition. Perhaps because of the S boat has shallower periscope depth that fleet boats, when you order periscope depth the boat won't dive at all, you have to order a deeper depth e.g. 60 feets, then order periscope depth after the boat has fully submerged.....
Do not go gentle into that good night.
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