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Old 12-07-17, 01:45 PM   #3
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I actually know the answer to this, at least for a diesel boat.

We were home-ported in Sasebo, Japan and went to Chinhae/Jinhea South Korea for a weekend of mayhem, err, a "show the flag" port call and visit. Some of our crew were married to South Korean women and one of their father's in law ran an "egg burger" cart in Pusan/Busan. Naturally, any crew member who took the cab ride to Pusan to, err, show the flag was expected to stop at "Dad's" egg burger cart for an egg burger.
Long story short, an incredibly high percentage of the crew wound up with a whopping case of Dysentery from tainted eggs and we had to beat feet back to Sasebo ASAP.

Now, it took us (on average) about 18 hours to get to Sasebo but on this trip it felt more like three days. See, I was a good little sailor on this trip and I didn't go to Pusan because I was buying clothes and shoes to send back home as Christmas presents. I got stuck on watch in Control for the whole trip back running the radar and backing up a quartermaster who had turned a distinct shade of green but was still considered "fit for watch".

Not that I wanted to leave Control, mind you. Imagine the smell from almost 70 guys suffering from projectile vomiting and extreme diarrhea at the same time and you have a good idea of just how bad it was between berthing and the head.

So, your guess is close but a little short- at least for a US diesel sub. I'm pretty sure we set the record for the minimum number of crew members it took because the Navy promptly CLASSIFIED our little Korean excursion.
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