Thread: [REL] FOTRS Ultimate Project
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Old 11-29-17, 02:56 PM   #5496
Grey Wolf
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Well the AI torpedo thing is good. You need to be careful with the effect on playability. There weren't any instances of Japanese warships firing torpedoes at submerged sub's that I know of and that will effect playability as well as historical accuracy in regards to Japanese abilities. Maybe you should think about this as an add on. I for one don't want to worry about being detected by an escort then having to worry about getting inundated with long lances buzzing around everywhere.

This is my first post that started all this. Nothing obnoxious or rude here, just my thoughts. Notice I stated that I thought the AI torpedo addition was GOOD. It can be used and can give ambiance to the game. However it needs to be kept in context otherwise you risk making the game ARCADE like.Hold your horses when you want to bring up "historically accurate" game play!?

If we want to do that, you would find most merchant ships seen in the Pacific were single or double merchants struggling by themselves to get between point A to B. Players who have come from SHIII have the idea that merchants traveled in convoys with warship escort for protection!! In the Pacific, this was seldom the case. You've been spoiled to think this is how the war progressed on all fronts.

Merchant freighters were thought to be the bottom of the barrel when it came to crew quality, protection needs, or any other consideration from the Japanese brass. The Japanese Military even looked at the smaller warships (Patrol Boats, Destroyers) as subpar to the needs and wants of the larger warships (Carriers, Battleships, Cruisers). I say "military" because the Navy was only a subpart of the military high command. Many times, specific area commanders were Army Generals who had the Navy answering to them! A lowly merchant (or group of them) who asked for Naval support had to go through the area commander (usually Army) for allowing such protection. He had no desire to "waste" recourses on such trivial reasons....and usually didn't. And, if you went from one area sector of command to another (which you did when traveling from say, Indonesia to Japan), you had to ask "that" commander for the same protection. He would "consider" your necessary need and could come to a different conclusion. Merchants towards the end of the war began to convoy up, but having support from escorts was a luxury they seldom got.

Much like every player I've every heard of using non historical practices to play the game (like time compression!), if we actually followed the true engagement of history the game wouldn't be played for more than a couple of hours and declared B O R I N G !! What challenge is there to sneak up on a single merchant with a couple of 50 caliber guns for defense? Lets start shooting fish in a barrel?!

Sorry, but the idea of torpedoes firing at subs is just as plausible as traveling from Pearl to the Marshall Islands in just 5 real time minutes.

This is Scurvy's reply. Now to me this reads like he is offended and a little sarcastic in his comments. Maybe it's just me but that's what I get from it. So I defended my position and myself. I don't like being talked down too or talked too like I am a three year old and don't know what I am talking about. And also in my original post I made a suggestion that perhaps this AI torpedo modification should be made as an add-on. This has been suggested before and I thought that was the whole pretense of this mod. FLAVOR TO TASTE, PLAY IT LIKE YOU WANT IT.

Last edited by J0313; 11-29-17 at 03:10 PM.
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