Thread: [REL] FOTRS Ultimate Project
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Old 11-26-17, 12:07 PM   #5475
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Originally Posted by kcoun View Post
It's been awhile since the last update .. possible to get an idea what features / fixes might be forthcoming ? Thank you.
Obviously, as a couple of posts ago show, the next update will contain AI Subs. These subs will have firing torpedoes, which will make the player vulnerable to an increased threat, worthy of taking extra precautions!

As was historically accurate, 4 of the Japanese AI Subs will also carry a Scout Plane, which will be spawned in the usually manner as any other "carrier". The "Pete" Floatplane will carry bombs also worthy of extra care for the player. This Scout Floatplane capability will also be include on several Battleships, Heavy and Light Cruisers, for all sides, to follow historical accurate capabilities/functions.

A "fix" has been made to the ability of having the Weapons Officer call out the phrase "Firing at will" when commanded to do so (per this recent request).

Updates to Harbor Traffic, and Campaign Missions will be prominent too.

Newly added ship units will include the Daihatsu Landing Craft pack, and the Shinshu Maru Japanese Landing Ship, from its creator ZUIKAKU2604. Additional ships are being worked on from other team members.

A dozen other small "fixes" will be introduced as well.

Adding working AI Torpedoes has opened up another avenue for modification.....surface ships firing torpedoes at enemy targets along with their Deck Gun inventory. The following images show a test mission of mine having a Japanese Hatsuharu Destroyer positioned off from three stationary American Freighters, with an American PT boat approaching the Destroyer. My task was to determine the correct firing "lead" angle of the Torpedoes from both the DD and PT boat, to allow for a reasonable percentage of "hits" to a moving target. Although in this test, only the PT boat is moving. Past results have proven a 50% hit rate in torpedo accuracy with moving units. I have determined this "lead" angle is 4 degrees and 7 degrees, at distances of up to 1400 yards creates the 50% hit results, at most possible speeds.

As one may suspect, this test mission has an 80% hit percentage (considering the Destroyer and Freighters are stationary), but it was fun to watch the PT boat and other mechanics of the weapons.

Here's a torpedo from the Hatsuharu being dropped into the water:

Here's two more:

Torpedoes away:

The PT boat comes into range of the Destroyer (1400 yards) and starts its attack:

With the Destroyer firing torpedoes in both directions (Freighters and PT boat), you end up with both attacking units being destroyed:

The Freighters outcome are no better:

By the time all torpedoes have found their mark, the only unit left to tell-the-tail is the players sub, just outside of harms way.

The AI Torpedoes will have an impact on how you will approach gameplay. A worthy addition to the game for Fotrs Ultimate.

The HMS Shannon vs. USS Chesapeake outside Boston Harbor June 1, 1813

USS Chesapeake Captain James Lawrence lay mortally wounded...
.."tell the men to fire faster, fight 'till she sinks,..boys don't give up the ship!"
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