The solution?
Do not sotre data and do not run processes on your comouter device that you consider to be too sensible as if you would write them on an uncovered holiday photo postcard.
Do not just use and fall for any new tech automatic gadget, function, gimmick - just as if you were a damn robot yourself. Do not let technology gadgets do what withon reasonable time and work you could do yourself. That ius especially true for socalled smartmeter sin hpouseholds, smart houses, smart house securing, and credit cards and cashless payment. Boyot, reject, let them know how much you dislike it and that you leave them standing in the rain with these things.
Think hard on whether it really is smart that time and again you vote people into offices and parliaments that actively drive these things and impose them on people, whether they want it or not.
Or in brief: practice your right to say "No." Share the word, tell others. In symbols: use paper and pencil to fix your notes and dates, do not use some digital "assistant" or "smart" phone - smart phones are not smart at all. Hut all too easily they take away your smartness from you, while you hop around them like around a golden calf.
You only end up with a soother in your mouth, and golden handcuffs around your wrists and feet.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.
Last edited by Skybird; 11-11-17 at 05:51 PM.