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Old 11-09-17, 12:28 PM   #12
Sea Lord
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The most important factors for a successful missile launch and after-evasion are these in my opinion:

- What is the safe distance to enemy ships?
- At which distance enemy active/passive torpedos will find me immediately?

I will assume there are no enemy subs nearby because this will complicate my task to a big extend.

Before I fire my TLAMs or attack ships with Harpoons I will decide for a random escape course first, once my missiles are launched I'm not concerned about stealth for the next minutes, so I go flank and head just under thermal layer with *low* downward planes and low downward ballasts, I don't want to get down fast but sure I want to get *far* fast. If there is no thermal layer I would just go to 150 feet to get out of sight from an improbable overflying plane or helo. It doesn't make a big difference going deeper, remember you want to go *far* away as fast as possible.

At some point, my crew will tell me about torpedos in the water, it takes some time for the enemy to launch their missiles, the missiles heading to my position and their torpedo splash. Now if the distance to the torpedos is too small I'm usually doomed, baring that I setup a savant MOSS tactic, but it's all about the 2 factors I've mentioned above, they are crucial and life-saving. The torpedo distance will govern my further tactics: If the ships were far enough away at the moment I launched my missiles, then their torpedos will also splash far away from me and I can go stealth, I can kiss the enemy good bye, otherwise I'll enter the hell of a dance...

If the ship distances are too small, you won't make it even if the enemy has 0 TMA on you, the moment you fire your missiles they know where you are. So you must deal with close-by ships first. Make a stealth wire-guided torpedo attack against the ships making sure all torpedos would hit at roughtly the same time, seconds before they hit it's a good time to launch your missiles, make your torpedos active and shallow and fire your missiles. Then evade on your random course.

I hope this gives you some good ideas to work with !
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