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Old 11-08-17, 07:41 PM   #2
The Bandit
Sonar Guy
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Can argue a bit about the realism of it but, I've had very great success with "off-angle" Mk 48 attacks. For whatever reason the majority of the early warning capability rests with the surface ships in the area (usually a Grisha and or a Krivack) so the main objective is to get them out of the picture, after they detect your launch they see to call in the air assets.

Shoot a Mk 48, keep it in pre-enable/transit mode and arc it out so that it comes in from a different bearing. Say your target is at 300 relative to you, if you shot directly at the target even if he gets destroyed he's going to send air searching down your LOB which would probably be about 120 or so relative to him. If you arc the fish's path so it comes in from his NE instead of SE (so say maybe 50 or 60) he's going to send air on a goose chase running down that LOB where he will find precisely nothing. Do this right and once the surface threats are gone there's a decent chance that you'll be able to fire off your missiles without stuff getting dropped on your head as those threats have been drawn off.
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