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Old 10-30-17, 04:25 PM   #352
Mr. Bad Wolf
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Former chief of police is wondering about this new explanation, because this explanation indicates an accident, but if this was what happend, then why did PM not use this explanation from the beginning?
He points out that PM is changing explanation whenever the police can prove a former explanation wrong. PM thinks he can use a new explanation, which cannot be proven.
But a carbondiaoxide poisonning can normally be proven with spots on the body and in the lungs, even though a body has been in water.

When the head of KW was found October 6th, and there were no sign of damage from the hatch, PM only had two choices left, according to a defence attorney: either to shut up and tell no more, or to come out with a new explanation. PM obviously chose the second.
That PM has been changing stories damages his case enormously. His credibility is more or less gone.
According to her, PM should from the beginning have chosen to either have kept the right to remain silent or to have given this new explanation. As we all know, PM chose to come up with the explanation about the hatch, which was plausible. But a lie. And which was proven wrong by the police. Then PM must have felt it necessary to change strategy and tell a new explanation.
In the beginning of the case, this defence attorney thought PM had a strong case, since PM was the only person to know the truth, there was yet no body and no witnesses.
Then body parts have be found, some witnesses have told, what they knew, and PM, who didn't decide to remain silent, has been changing explanations, and in this way, PM has been undermining his own defence and given the prosecutor a strong case against him. PM has litterally been giving the prosecutor, what he needs to prove PM guilty.
The defence attorney is wondering what the defence attorney of PM possesses to prove his innosence.

The case will be a trial with a jury in the courthouse of Copenhagen with the following dates in 2018: March 8th, 23rd, 26th, 27th, 28th and April 5th, 23rd and 25th.

A friend of PM knowing the inside of UC3 Nautilus says that it could in principle be true that there has been an accident with carbondioxide, because there are several valves to open and close in a specific order, and to his knowabouts, PM has apparently forgotten from time to time to close or open some of them.
Not long ago, PM had made a dive, where he forgot to close one of them, which had caused some water to get inside the control room. The friend had encouraged PM to make some manuals with a check list, so it wouldn't happen again. PM wasn't interested in doing so.
The friend thinks that this explanation is plausible, but then again: where did that come from? He wonders too, why PM didn't come out with this explanation sooner. If it came out from the beginning, the friend would have believed it. But not now. Not after the story changing.
Some other friends have stopped him asking him about him knowing PM, and the friend can only ask himself, whether he knew PM at all.

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