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Old 10-19-17, 02:46 AM   #4
Scurvy Dog of the Deep
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Originally Posted by ERPP8 View Post
Thing is, I have duds turned off. Also, 90% of them are duds, which IIRC, is way more than normal for this game. I'd try a fresh install but Ubisoft abandoned this game and doesn't even let me redownload it.
The main reason for torps not detonating are :

Target is too close not allowing torp to arm around 800+/- metre is about right maybe a little closer

Torp "Glances/Bounces of target hull if angle is too far off 90deg angle no less than 60deg has been suggested by most

Torp set to Magnetic . Better to set to Impact as previously explained

Torp set to run too deep missing hull

Torp set to run too shallow combined with hit dead square on has less chance but only slightly

Sub in shallow water torp hitting seabed

Torp hitting hull low glancing off where is is at it most extreme curve

You missed the target ! ! ! ( Try F2 Key to Follow torp to target with ext Camera) Observe what's going on

90% dud is way too high as you say, I find with the early type Torps set to Impact Detonation rarely fail and defo. less than 1 in 10 also most Merchant ships and Destroyers go down with 1 Good hit

Re-installing game prolly won't fix cause there could be another issue but I can't think of any just now. I assume you are using Manual TDC ?

You could record and upload Video if you are still stuck, need to show all setting AOB Speed Firing /Gyro etc and camera follow to target would help

Regards - Simon
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