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Old 10-15-17, 04:03 PM   #758
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Some hours ago I read this in a Danish news paper (Berlingske)

I have used google translate

The editor Consider

The fear of nuclear war

Not since the worst period of the Cold War, have there been a greater fear of nuclear war between the United States and North Korea, than it is now. The uncertainty is not made less by the fact that the media are filled with more or less solve stories about chaos in the White House.
There are actually also speculation about President Donald Trump mental stamina to withstand such a crisis, spiced with speculation about what will happen if the unthinkable should happen - that Trump in rage orders a nuclear attack on North Korea, and his generals and top ministers are against it, but in reality powerless once the order is given.

Of course, it is far out, we think in Europe that this fear has got the dimensions it has. But the Americans are bombarded daily by a combination of new verbal and concrete war threats from North Korea paired with counterparts from Trumps twitter account.
And as said with American media, there is a lot of speculation about how the collaborative climate really is in the White House, where one day rumors that Foreign Minister Rex Tillerson is on his way out for the next day to know that It is the Chief of Staff of the White House, John Kelly, who has had enough. The trained general apparently does not fully control Trump.
This may again cause concern for a population that may also suffer from violent twitter outbreaks from the president against soon one and soon the other politician who thrashed on his nerves .

In the midst of all this, China has no real clue about the situation with North Korea, in addition, Chinese does not seem to have much control over North Korea's leader, Kim Jong-un.
He is able to play with the fire both in relation to the United States and China, without it having any real consequences. One must say that it is well done by a young man who lives his own life in a world built around a goddess of the dynasty founded by Kim's grandfather.

Several calculations show that if the war breaks out, one million. people will lose their lives in the first 24 hours of such a war. So serious are the consequences if nuclear weapons are used.

So the big question is how to negotiate with a North Korea who is not interested in negotiating. Trump has ridiculed his foreign minister to try to talk to North Korea at all and said that it is, of course, a waste of time.
But Tillerson has more than suggested that the United States has an opening and can talk to the regime in North Korea.
Perhaps closer to the country's foreign minister, Ri Yong-ho, who has been most active, both with warlike outcomes and more thoughtful opinions, but is still prepared to speak.

Kim Jong-un is out of reach. Unfortunately, it seems that so is Trump. The US president is currently busy repuding another Republican politician who has questioned his capacity as president. No wonder the Americans keep their breath.

I can't say if this Editor is right in his considering. if he is, then the question is who among the staff in the White house have enough nerve to stay calm when it is really needed-Is it Rex Tillerson ?

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