Thread: [REL] FOTRS Ultimate Project
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Old 10-13-17, 10:16 AM   #5388
Ace of the Deep
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Originally Posted by propbeanie View Post
Well, try this: Download this SingleMission file:

Which is "PeriRadarTest.7z" with a Balao boat sitting facing North 000, and the Yamato on a 090 course going East from about 32nm West of you, and I forget how far North... It is March 15, 1945, off the coast of Baja, you are at periscope depth and stopped. Do like 1/3 ahead and you should pick them up before too long. I actually got a sonar report first, then right after that, the radar picked her up... Then it started to fall apart as I tried a few different things, such as TC, coming up to radar depth, going to 200 foot, and coming back up to radar depth... No more working radar... However, when I raised ~BOTH~ periscopes, I got the radar back "working", doing its sweep, but it would not pick the Yamato up again... Got a visual instead a while later. Closed for an attack, shot the 6 bow tubes at her, and after the first impact, the sound went all distorted and fuzzy. Not loud, thankfully, but very distorted to where I could not understand a word the crew said...

Now, this particular computer is due for an "overhaul" of the SH4 installs... However, the circumstances are similar to what you describe. Let me know if it is similar for you... If you should happen to accept this impossible mission Jim, and you or any of your crew are captured, injured or killed, the President will disavow your very existence. This SingleMission file should self-destruct as soon as we're finished this testing period, but we do not have the technology, and you will have to do it yourself... that is all. - for now.
This is going to drive you NUTS! I loaded the test mission by unzipping it straight into my Single Mission folder in my current installation. Everything worked perfectly!

The interception was as advertized. First came the sonar contact (which I was able to pick up manually before the operator's announcement. Then, with BOTH periscopes raised, I got a radar contact on the same bearing. I tested all buttons and they worked, including the radar's on/off switch.

Next I lowered the attack scope leaving the Observation (Night) scope up. Radar continued to work. I lowered that one and the radar went off, and came back on when the scope went back up. The map contacts were intermittent until the target was inside around 8,000 yards.

From that point fearing discovery of the raised scope, I lowered it and proceeded perpendicular to the target's track until I was about 700 yards off the track, and then waited. When the target bearing reached 320 degrees, I fired the two electric torps, and when the first one hit, the next four Mark 14's. I turned away at high speed and repeated the firing sequence with the stern tubes. Success! All 10 hit, and the 10th one put it down. No sound problems. No visual problems. No radar problems.

Now, can I just load the DATA version in your single mission to the data version in my live game? Wouldn't that incorporate the changes you made for the Single Mission?
I tried to upload (cut and paste) a small JPG image, but it won't take. I tried it as an attachment, but the image is only a thumbnail. Oh, well.

Run Silent, Run Deep, and Sink 'em All
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