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Old 10-07-17, 08:56 AM   #7260
Grey Wolf
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More defence matters from the "Save the Royal Navy" site:

One thing I did find interesting was the little tid bit that back in 2010 Osbourne dumped the financing responsibility for the Trident replacement programme directly in to the MoD Budget rather than what it had been before - part of the Treasury's.

Going back to politics, here's an article from Scottish MSP Murdo Fraser (Ruth Davidson's rival during the last SCon leadership contest):

Liberal Unionism – a model for Scottish Conservatives?

In comments which would be considered extraordinary were they to be made today by someone sitting on the Conservative benches of the House of Commons, the Scottish Unionist MP (and celebrated author), John Buchan, declared in 1932: “Every Scotsman should be a Scottish Nationalist”.
Amongst Scottish Unionists of the time, Buchan was by no means alone in promoting Scottish identity, and championing the notion of a Scottish Parliament within the United Kingdom.
Although that never became the official Party position, throughout much of the 20th Century there was not the stark dividing line between nationalism and unionism that we see today.Indeed, at the Paisley By-election of 1948, the Unionists agreed not to field an official candidate but instead to support the Independent Nationalist, John MacCormick, against Labour.
What the writer David Torrance describes as “nationalist unionism” was at the core of the Scottish Unionists’ broad appeal.
As I believe I've written before, the SUP was the SNP of it's day but was pro- rather than anti-UK.

I wonder how the Tory rank and file in England would react when it finally penetrates their skulls that Scottish Tories aren't exactly the same as English ones? SCons are primarily Unionists and Conservatives second, after all.

"I am the battleship Jean Bart. This name originates from a certain 'respected' privateer... Yes? You want to know what privateers are? Hmph, they are pirates that rob openly under the banner of their country."

Jean Bart from the mobile game Azur Lane.
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