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Old 10-05-17, 11:19 AM   #1
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Default IE and Edge go into crash-dive

Another thing where Microsoft has intentionally and completely messed itself up. This battle too is lost for them. Within 21 months from a market share of roughly one half down to roughly one fifth. Wowh, thats a steep dive plane angle.

However, that a privacy-violator like Chrome now rules over 60% of the market, is anything but encouraging. It shows that people do not care for their privacy at all. In such an environment, it is a hopeless cause wanting to get more privacy.

Chrome is a secure browser, little doubt on that, no other browser gets as qickly and as often updated on security-relevant issues like this one. But privacy and security are two different things, and relating privacy, Chrome is a worst-case-scenario. You have no privacy in Chrome, that simple it is. None. Rien. Keine. Nada.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.
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