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Old 09-26-17, 01:22 PM   #5
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Some I'd like:

1) Active sonar intercepts generate sierra contacts or help polish existing contacts.

2) Upon loss of contact with a still-living target, a yellow icon replaces the red contact on the map with estimated motion based on already existing data. If the target was on course 235 at a speed of 8 kts when I lost contact, I'd like to have an estimation of where it might be instead of the static contact point remaining at the last known location.

3) Eventual inclusion of the Hotel- and Golf-classes, with random encounters or intercept missions. These early ballistic missile boats would still be in service and hunted during the 1968 campaign.

4) Eventual inclusion of the Balao and Gato GUPPYs, Skate-, and Barbel-class boats, and more one-offs like USS Nautilus, USS Seawolf (SSN-575), and USS Tullibee.

5) Considerations given to the number of units in service. In the 1968 campaign I am currently playing, I have sunk 15 November-class SSNs. 15. Of a class of 13 boats. So all plus two more. The Foxtrot-class of DE boats consisted of 58 in Soviet service, and yet I have maybe encountered 4 of these. I should be seeing a LOT more of the Foxtrots and fewer Novembers. Plus, once I sank the 13th November, I shouldn't be encountering then anymore.

6) This one will probably take the longest, and I'm willing to bet will be a DLC. Friendly naval units from appropriate countries. I wouldn't mind hunting a Soviet Amphib group off the Swedish coast and getting some unexpected help from a Swedish or Norwegian submarine. Or maybe I'm battling for my life against a Soviet wolfpack and get my bacon saved by a British boat. Or maybe in a random encounter, the contact I've detected ends up being a French or German or USN sub, and all I have to do to exit the scenario is identify the friendly unit or nope the hell away. This would also allow for escort missions involving friendly units. I could be required to rendezvous with a friendly SAG or CVBG and provide ASW escort for the icon while it moves across the map, or I'm tasked to meet up with and defend a friendly SSBN in the North Sea. Like I said, probably a DLC, but I'll gladly shell for this one.
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