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Old 09-26-17, 04:46 AM   #416
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Default Enigma Machine Code Breaking When You Do Not Have The Time.

Last updated 1st May 2018

Enigma Machine Code Breaking When You Do Not Have The Time.

So you want to know what your Enigma Code Message says but you cannot spare the time to get your Enigma Machine out and start decoding the Message.
All messages can be found reasonably easy.
Messages are held in their various Campaigns > Total Germany > Happy Times and so on.
In Total Germany like all BDU Messages these can be found in the Missions folder.

Campaign > Total Germany Missions.
BCW > British Coastal Waters > Coastal Waters.
BOG > Blockade of Germany > North Western Approaches.
BS > British Supplies > South Western Approaches.
OW > Operation Wessetbüng.
LOP > BDU message only.

You will be able to recognize special missions as these only appear once and are Named having no Patrol numbers showing.
You may need to open each TSR file until you find the one showing the Kriegsmarine grid number.
All the information needed is in the TSR files.

In this Tutorial I am going to be looking for Grid Reference > AM3468 in BoG > Blockade of Germany > North Western Approaches.
I also have the first set of four coded digits VGCY.
Picture 1 > Enigma M4 Machine as it appears in the game.

This is the route to find the BDU Message from the Silent Hunter 5 main game folder:
Default installation path: C:\Ubisoft\Silent Hunter 5

Picture 2 > Open TWoS_Parts Mod folder.

Picture 3 > Open TWoS Encrypted BdU Mod folder.

Picture 4 > Open data folder.

Picture 5 > Open Campaigns folder.

Picture 6 > Open CampaignProjects folder.

Picture 7 > Open Missions folder.

Picture 8 > Open Total_Germany_M folder.

Picture 9 > Open TG_BoG_Patrol2 TSR file.

Picture 10 > TSR file shows AM3468 and other information for this current Mission/Patrol,

Picture 11 > 1st Ojective AM3468 2nd Objective AM5322 3rd Objective AM2955

Picture 12 > Shows the decoded messaes more clearly.

To access these files when the game is running first > Pause Game.
Use the Windows Key showing it’s picture on the left side, bottom row of your keyboard, may also show a padlock.
You will now see the desk top.
You can now safely search for the file needed by carefully opening and closing the files.
When finished Exit all files and press the icon showing in the Taskbar to go back to the Paused Game.

If you can find the time then you might find this useful.
SkyBaron's Enigma M4 manual 1.02 PDF

YouTube Enigma Tutorial By Potus

Courtesy acknowledgements to SkyBaron > Potus and vdr1981

Last edited by THEBERBSTER; 03-18-19 at 02:12 PM. Reason: Replaced missing pictures
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