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Old 09-25-17, 07:36 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by MaDef View Post
Reverse course, go deep, flank speed, and start dropping decoys. if there's a thermal layer, try to keep it between you and the torpedoes.
Pretty much this. As soon as I finish launching a missile strike, I immediately hit the key shortcut for emergency deep and plot a reverse course, because I know that the escort missiles are inbound, plus a helo if there's one around.

Dropping a decoy right away near the surface will, most of the time, confuse the helo if he dips his sonar near the launch point and you're already at flank speed 2k+ yards away.
Launching a MOSS in the same direction you were travelling when you fired your missiles is better. Sometimes it attracts any of the torps that splash down shortly after while you're going the opposite direction.

Originally Posted by nesbit View Post
I used to have problems with Harpoons hitting the water at random spots so I switched to TSAMs. Probably more expensive in real life. Are harpoons working OK lately and do they have an advantage?
They're smaller, so Soviet CIWS will have a harder time tracking them. But the warhead is a lot smaller then the TASM, so you need several to take out the higher tonnage ships.
I've had issues with the pop up on Harpoons, so I just launch in sea skim mode.

Generally if the target is less then 4,000 tons, I'll use a Harpoon or multiple if it has CIWS. It's better to use 3 Harpoons on 1 target in a single launch then launch 2, they both get splashed, then launching another 2 or 3 for a total of 4-5 missiles when it could have taken only 3.
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