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Old 09-25-17, 01:49 PM   #401
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Anyway, I saw a conference with Merkel today, and what I saw there, rang the former psychologists' alarm bells in me.

She said that she does not see anything that would have needed to be made differently in her policies, and that should have been arranged differently during the campaign, a campoaign that she herself had planned and arranged. - Mind you, her party has scored the worst result ever since 1949, and suffered big losses. Mind you also, her strategy was to avoid any confrotnation, and to sit still and remain silent and ignore anything not agreeing with her.

And she said that if people demand her to do it, if she is expected to do it, then yes, disagreeing but nevertheless: she declares that she takes responsibility for it, not believing that she should, and thinking it is injust to expect her to take that responsibility, it is quite offensive to expect that of her, "But if you people really want it and press me for it, okay, here are the words you want to hear form my lying lips: I am responsible. I am not really, but that is what you want me to say." - Of course she did not use these words. I use these words to describe the stunning, the shocking body language in her, and the alienating tone in which she made the according comment. I was stunned when seeing and hearing it. It was surreal, and really worrying.

Merkel has not understood anything. Really, nothing at all she has understood, and she thinks she is the victim of circumstances and is being treated injust. She denies reality and is disconnected form it.

She has done nothngn wrong, what she did was all right, was perfect, she beleives he rown mantry "I am without alternative", it is injust that people do not follow her anymore uncritically, she denies any own guilt for the drama happening, and in general what I saw was a woman that has snapped, and that takes very very serious personal offence from German having turned away. The Germans made the mistake - she made none.

Merkel has understood NOTHING.

I never liked her, on a personal level, but never before I have seen her as arrogant, disconnected and especially as unappealing, as today. I fear she will seek revenge on Germany: now more than ever my ways, and my ways alone!

She has understood nothing. And sees herself as victim of injustice and unthankfulness.

I think the CDU needs to get rid of her by force. The earlier, the better.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.
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