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Old 09-18-17, 07:41 AM   #1029
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Originally Posted by Reece View Post
But you do have the right to your own opinion!
Not in Germany. Voice a politically not correct, not EU- and Euro-conformal, not mass-migration-friendly opinion, and you get publicly character-assassinated by morally boosted, bigmouthed pillars of society, by media, by politicians of all parties, and you face unions that internally publish manuals for union members and union leaders how to mob, flame, defame and get fired any coworkers and employees in companies who do not howl with the collective wolf chorus but voiced the wrong views and opinions, even if by the letter of the law they cannot be fired and they did not fail anywhere in work and do a perfect job and follow the rules and laws. That you get called a Nazi and right winger and populist and mentally deranged phobic and non-solidaric egoist if not swimming wit the mainstream, comes natural in Germany anyway. It wouldn't be Germany without that. In principle, democracy, pluralism and diversity, and debate between different opinions have been brought to an end in the past one and a half decade, Merkel bearing a major share of responsibility for that, she has the plltical self-underdtanding of a SED Staatsratsvorsitzende. Its more GDR than FRG in modern Germany. In principle we are a one-party-state.

Goethe once said he prefers law and order to lack of order even if order comes at the price of utmost injustice, even tyranny. So much for hunger for freedom in Germans, Goethe's views are shared by many. We live in a time when the government itself breaks its own rules as it wants, breaks treaties, violates the constitution. Anything goes. Nothing is an agreed standard anymore. No rules apply anymore. No values mean anything anymore. Everything, every definition of something, gets relativized right to death and non-existence. Terms, names and labels are stripped of all their meanings. Definitions get rearranged opportunistically as it fits best one's pown agenda. Really, anything goes. Overregulated, plundered to the max by tax robbery, and deeply servile by heart, Germans nevertheless face a lack of law and order that is breathtaking. We have had such times in the past, and we are close to seeing them coming back. A strong bringer of law and order again, people will follow him just to get some law and order again. No matter which kind of law and order, just as long as it is some law and order.

Mark my words, within the next 30 years, one generation. The writings are already on the wall, like in the early twenties of the past century. It happens again. And the EU, claiming it wants to prevent right such things, indeed serves as an accelerating catalyst.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.

Last edited by Skybird; 09-18-17 at 08:00 AM.
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