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Old 09-17-17, 03:29 PM   #1027
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What OS is missing in this list? Its Chrome and Chromium. They hardly have been forgotten . So they must be included in any of the listed entries. Do they get listed under any of the Windows versions? Or have they been added to Mac OS versions? Hardly. The most likely candidate must be - Linux.

The reasons the author of the text you linked to gave as an explanation for his guess, are indeed reasonable.

In the two years of Windows 10, Linux indeed has lost shares aq bit, I read numbers earliert this year that said soemthing of a drop down to 1.4 or 1.5%. The migrants that turned away from Windows, turned not towards Lkinux, but mostly Chrome, and then Apple. But Google was the great winner of this movement. Linux is a prominent player int he server and partly in professional IT environment, but it is ntoi alone, regarding servers, there still pla Microsoft, and of course Novell still is around as well. In the oriuvate realm, the environment of private end users and gamers, Linux has not grown in popularity, user leaving Windows turned for Chromebooks in huge numbers, and the article once again reminds of that. Many people who just want to play or want to do ordinary household computing, are beign asked too much of dealign with the incompoatability issues with drivers and hardware you have to deal with under Linux.

You do not want to tell me that the user base has doubled despite these still present difficulties in just 8 or 9 moinths, do you? I find no numbers on a raise with hardware where Linux is preinstalled. But we see a huge climb in sales with Chromebooks.

Lets keep Chrome and Linux separate. Chances are the stats you linked up in that article, throw both into the same category. And that makes no sense to me, it is too much a raise in too short a time.
See the entry to the far right, for July 2017. Linux 1.4%, Chrome 0.45%. Wndoiws 85%, Mac OS 11%.

These statistics always vary a bit, dpeending on your source and the amrket analysis models used by the source. But even if I look others via search engine, I cannot see that Linux has climbed from one and a half percent to more than dozuble as much within just a few months, that is totally unreasoable an assumption.

Chromebooks have left behind Apple as main provider of computer to schools, but in Spring this year alreeady 58% of delivered systems, were Chromebooks.

While Linux cannot by itself explain a more than doubling of its market share, the rise in sales of Chromebooks probably can explain that very well if you count Chrome and Lionux as one combined category.

Anyway, this is a merely academic discussion. We can throw market numbers at each other that we find via Google, until the day is ending. One of the very few specialised mail shops in Germany that I know to deliver Linux systems, has shut down, I learned early last week, btw. And there are not that many. Shutting down means they shift to another adress, and now plan to sell - Chrome-based systems, and Apples. Linux has been dropped.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.
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