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Old 09-08-17, 01:50 PM   #9
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I have two browser.

The one I use daily and one I use on occasion.

Skybird wrote:

Explorer: dont cry for it. No other browser got attacked as much as this one. Fail.

Can't say if he's right or not about this statement, I do know however that every FB-friends and other online friends who have been hacked, tried to be hacked or other bad things have or had Chrome-

This made me remember an article I once read in a Computer magasin (while I was waiting at the barbershop)

"Though more a software or similar gets though more the hacker get interested in it, it has to reach about 50.000 or more before the hacker start looking at it with interest"

In the beginning Chrome wasn't that popular or was quite new-Hackers didn't bother to make virus program for this browser-Now everyone is taking about Chrome, everyone is saying a person with his brain in order use Chrome a.s.o.

year maybe-but it also makes the hacker a lot more interested in

That is my conclusion after having talked with my FB-friends and other friends when I ask them-Which browser do you use and they all have said-Chrome.

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