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Old 09-07-17, 03:44 PM   #1023
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cant tell for sure on the 32Bit download of yours, but regarding your Windows 8 anmd laptop, you can improve your situation:

If your hardware allows, buy a second HD or SSD and put it in.

If not possible, take the one HD yo have, decrease the partition with Windows and games to what you need, make sure oyu have some reserves, then free the remaining space and form a second partition on it.

On this separate partition install Linux. You then have a dual boot system.

Use Linux for all your surfing, emailing, photoediting, twittering, text-writing, whatever it is. Use your Windows for just launching your games, nothing else.

Might need you to get yourself some educaiton on Linux, but trust me, it is not as bad as it sounds. i did that myself two years ago, with Linux Mint, two HDs in my tower. There are some possible traps, but properly prepared you should be able to avoid them. Linux is not as difficult as n on-Linux users think it is. However, it also is njot as pewrfect as Linux fans claim. Have reasonable expectations, then you cannot go wrong - and have reserves for getting positively surprised most likely.

If Windows wants to steal your data and privacy and wan ts to overweatch ever keystroke you make, then do not make data available to it and do not type texts and weblinks under Windows. That way they can only read your savegames, and your Steam account, and what games you play.

If you want to do multiplayer and live voice connection, yiu most accept some more compormise, but still: if you do not surf or work under Windows - not much they can learn aboout you.

You can be hit by bad Windows updates however. And there are many of these, you are no customerl but a beta tester. You pay them for this honour. Thats the deal. Delay updates, avpoiding them you cannot. But I think in W10 Home you canot delay updates without metering your connection.

Dual boot or two separate systems is the way to go now. IMO the only reasonable way. Or to skip gaming alltogether (or going consoles), and so leave Windows behind completely.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.
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