Thread: Damaged convoys
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Old 08-12-17, 06:54 PM   #2
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RE what it's supposed to represent? WAR IN ALL ITS GLORY BLOOD AND GORE AND OF COURSE SELFLESS SACRIFICE SERVING THE CAUSE OF FREEDOM WHERE LUCKY were living in what Winston Churchill said broad sunlit uplands were just playing SH3 the battle of the Atlantic for fun these guys played it for keeps
and will always be for ever and ever 18,19,20,21 year old cut down in the prime of life
check this out Operation Pedestal 1942 14 fast merchant ships capable of 16knots to break the blockade of malta
only 5 merchants made it including the tanker Oiho hit three time and abandoned 3 times but the crew went back aboard it was carring aviation fuel for the aircraft defending malta the tanker entered grand harbor with its decks awash and lashed to a destroyer with the dead still on the deck body parts blood n guts all over the place

Hi Darthlucky in the GWX Campaigns Campaign folder theres four files
the LND Land layer contains airbases search lights and gun emplacements around ports scr is the scripted layer any ships aircraft Convoys in that layer spawn on there entry date and go along there waypoints from way point 1 to the last one then theres the random layer ships and convoys spawn every so often and go along there way points then theres the messages eng file that's all your ingame radio traffic

everything in SH3 GWX LSH NYGM is all date driven and based so when you find a HX Convoy Grid AM19 in April 1940 at 19:00 hrs and you see ships
burning and others have smoke damage ect then they have been bombed or have tangled with pocket battle ship or a disguised german raider like kms atlantis kms thor kms penguin 48-72hrs before you found it the SH3 Campaign even the stock version is alive and moving from sept 1st 1939-8th may 1945
have a look at the mission editor open up the the scr layer start it running from oct-39 0ct 41 and watch watch crosses the atlantic
then do the same for the rnd random layer you will see yellow square with way point lines loads & loads of them like one giant spiders web when you run it you will see lots of little green circles with question marks on them
they are the convoys eg 10 ships spawn 100% of the time next 10 ships 50% of the time next 10 ships 25% of the time and they may resport that
convoy every 65hrs 100hrs 180hrs
in the image below a German Pocket battle ship roughs up a convoy until the convoys out of range this image is from the steel sharks clan GWX Campaign not the one your playing but the stock GWX your playing will have similar events

Last edited by blackswan40; 08-15-17 at 08:29 AM.
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