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Old 08-11-17, 09:20 PM   #3
Join Date: Apr 2016
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A side note for the UZO ...

You can tell distance on the night surface attack run in a simple visual manner.

If viewing a ship from the 90 degree AOB if it is a 78 meter long ship and it fills the width of the UZO, it is about 780 meters away.

Similar: if a 140 meter long ship fills the width of the UZO it is probably around 1400 meters away.

So on many a night attack... where I want some distance between me and the target by the time they start shooting off star-shells. ....

I will fire around the time a 140 meter long ship fills half the width of the UZO or about 2800 meters away... and... use 30 knot speed torpedo settings so I have some good distance between me and them by the time the torpedoes hit.

Also at night, I will often launch torpedoes when the target presents a 90 degree angle on the bow to me. Slowing down or speeding up as needed to maintain the target presenting a 90 degree AOB. The reason is that at night, this AOB is sometimes all I can visually feel comfortable with. Where I may have difficulty determining a 75, 80, 85 AOB.

I punch in that final AOB and fire.

And of course this is for the times I am having difficulty determining their true course or otherwise I would use off-sets with no gyro input to the torpedo.

"Auf gefechtsstationen!"

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