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Old 08-11-17, 02:00 PM   #300
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I fear you are very unrealistic there, mapuc. Thats not how things get done.

Nor does it win you wars. You cannot expect to fight and surive, even win, if you have your hands bound on your back. And China - would not have been impressed.

Declare the combat zone (all of North Korea, surrounding waters, military approach lanes and travel routes for your logistics). Give neutrals some hours time to get out, then declare everything moving inside that area a valid target. You do not be picky in what SAMs to take out and what not, this is no basketball, a win 86:83 is not good enough: you want a 100: nil, if possible: for every basket the enemy scores, your buddies pay in life and blood for. 86 SAMs taken out but 83 attack fighters lost? With modern military numbers, not even the US can afford such loss ratios. You instead kill every defence you find - preferably BEFORE it gets a shot off at your buddies. Different to normal wars where you first take out air defence and then go after ground forces, you must simultaneously go after the nuclear armed weapon options of Korea from first hour on as well, so that they cannot get a single shot off. That is extremely difficult, and will likely cause own losses, with air defences still intact mostly. But what do they have those stealth airplanes for. And if China mucks up, you have to throw them a fist into the face the very first moment they show up, so that they get the message that they will start to loose own cities if they start to defend North Korea by n culear exchange. Brutality is the only way here. I do not think the Chinese will risk nuclear exchange with the US over North Korea. They are ambitious, but also rational. Not only Los Angeles is more worth than Pyöngyang: Hongkong and Shenzhen and Suhai are more valuable and costly to lose than Pyöngyang, too.

All this ^will not happen. The US have not even close the needed ammount of military capacities in the region around North Korea currently, and we see no American manouvering to bring massive reinforcements in. The carrier the Donald send some weeks ago, already is back in port again, I read. Just 6 B1's alone at Guam cannot win a war. You need the better part of the Pacific fleet if you want to do a sustained, ongoing offensive and also want to minimise the North's ability to pay back against South Korea as much as you can prevent it. Its about logistics, and stockpiles of smart ammo.

Once again the Donals speaks with thunder and fury. I only wonder whether he indeed speaks to Kim, as is claimed, or to his fanpool in the US who needs to be entertained.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.
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