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Old 08-09-17, 06:37 PM   #1
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Default Advice for a new player TDC and Hydrophone tracking

I bought silent Hunter 3 on sale and to put it bluntly I AM ADDICTED TO THIS GAME!

I read acouple of guides so far and have started my first campaign from 1939 , I'm with flotilla 1 patrol 2 with a type IIA sub. 100% realism.

While I understand how to use the TDC I feel I need some practice with it especially with moving targets, any advice is welcome.

I am trying to figure out hydrophone tracking as well.

This is the method I have been using (Wich may or may not work)

The hydrophone on my sub has a 20km single ship resolution, so I manually get on the hydrophone (because my crewmen are idiots ) and find a bearing to a vessel. Say for example 035, so I go to my navigation menu and draw a 20km radius circle around my ship, and draw a straight line to the circle at a 035 degree bearing (relative to the bow) and delete the circle, that gives me a line that I know for certain their is a ship on, next I sail 10km(half the distance of the line) at a heading 90degrees perpendicular to the original line, in this case heading 125, then I drop to periscope depth again and get on the hydrophone and listen for a bearing and repeat the process, interestingly enough, the two lines that get drawn usually intercept, and I have been operating on the assumption that is the position of the target vessel.

You do this twice, and you have a path of travel for the target vessel.

Please explain to me if this is totally wrong, and what I should be doing instead of this.
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