Thread: Multiplayer AI
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Old 08-03-17, 05:45 AM   #3
LSH-2022 Liaison Officer
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Hi ther steel harvest welcome to subsim

1. with SH3 Generated mission i dont think or have never seen addition enemies appear

2. time compression is not possible in multiplayer eg six player mission 4 uboats 5000-7000 mtrs from Convoy last two uboats 12000-14000 mtrs away
if the far away boats couls use 64x-128x time compression every other player would have to do the same but if you are 1800 2800 mtrs from ships including escorts you would be a dead ducky

3. Written Missions now thats like a blank canvas to a painter you can have what ever you want in a mission with in reason eg
early war mission Febuary 1941 48 Merchant Ship convoy 5 Escorts 2 Hunt 1 class Destroyers and 3 Flower class corvets
Convoys Approaches the Rockall Banks say Grid AM1928 at 22:00 10/2/1941 other escorts will arrive say 40mins into game so you have time to attack convoy and be ready for 4 escort reinforcements
writing missions is fairly easy its all date/time driven i could have you writing missions in 3 hours its like riding a bike you may fall off a few times but you soon master it

4.SH3 MODS GWX3 is a fine mod realy enhences SH3 also there are GWX 3 missions in the downloads section of Subsim

5. Download link GWX big mod 7 bin files of 200mb each but worth the wait

6. I will look out for you on Tunngle if theres anything i can help you with feel free to ask
also when in multiplayer games and you get KIA dont leave the game stay in gods eye mode as an observer zoom into other veteran that have had SH3 from the begin 2005 and watch how they glide and dance past escorts sometime slow sometimes fast when escorts are in attack run also hiding under crippled merchants is a good tactic waiting for you
tubes to reload

7. Also would be good idear to get a headset for subsim teamspeak its the place to rub shoulders with your fellow captains
meeting up for multiplayer games and great for when in the heat of battle somones watching your Six in goods eye mode and says to you watch out steel harvest blackswan clossing on you six 1200mtrs away badass escorts them with the hedgehog forward firing mortar bomblets

8.Subsim Teamspeak Link

Subsim Teamspeak Address

Last edited by blackswan40; 08-03-17 at 06:35 AM.
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