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Old 08-02-17, 02:05 PM   #3498
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There are times when "Russia-gate" seems eerily similar to Watergate. When Trump viciously went after Sessions publicly, I began to wonder if Trump was intending to use Session as sort of his "Spiro Agnew" much in the same way Nixon threw his Vice-President under the wheels of the bus as a deflection and distraction from Nixon's own Watergate mess. Now it seems anther sort of parallel has emerged; during the final stages of Watergate, the military leadership and the Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger, became so concerned about Nixon's grasp on reality (and sanity), an agreement was reached by the Chiefs and Kissinger that if the military were to receive a direct order for military action from Nixon, they would have to first clear the action with Kissinger, who would have the final say on a go/no-go. Now, some 40 years later, it seems some similar concerns have prompted Secretary of Defense Mattis and White House Chief-Of-Staff Kelly to form a pact to keep Trump under personal watch lest Trump do something untoward:

Mattis And Kelly Made A Secret Pact To Babysit Trump --


You know you’re living in unusual times when the sanest person in the executive branch of the U.S. government is nicknamed “Chaos.”

That’s the primary takeaway from an Associated Press curtain-raiser on retired Marine Gen. John Kelly’s ascension to the rank of White House chief of staff. While the executive role traditionally considered gatekeeper to the commander-in-chief and the constitutional authority he wields, the AP hints at a different dynamic in the Oval Office:

[Secretary of Defense James] Mattis and Kelly also agreed in the earliest weeks of Trump’s presidency that one of them should remain in the United States at all times to keep tabs on the orders rapidly emerging from the White House, according to a person familiar with the discussions. The official insisted on anonymity in order to discuss the administration’s internal dynamics.

“Orders rapidly emerging from the White House” is a delightful euphemism for the president’s tendency to rule by decree tweet, a habit that has roiled a Department of Defense scrambling to interpret whether Trump’s unpredictable digital broadsides are, say, a signal of imminent attack on North Korea or something slightly more innocuous. Republican lawmakers who spoke to the AP are praying that Kelly, a retired four-star general known for his disciplinarian streak, will “forcefully clean the place up.”

What does it say for the state of leadership of this nation when the Chief Executive must be 'baby-sat' and gives reasons he is not to be trusted with major decisions?...

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