Thread: [REL] Playable Russian Subs
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Old 08-02-17, 01:20 PM   #221
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Originally Posted by ChaosphereIX View Post
Hello CaptainX,

A few things I noticed with the latest mod:

1. Some torpedo and missile stats are wrong still, sorry [eg. F17, Exocet]. Some missiles are a little too slow, warheads are still either in kg so warhead is too small, to name a few things. If you need corrected files let me know. All the stats can come from Navweaps or Wiki.

2. Please add in STRAIGHT and LEVEL to the other torpedoes so we dont have to do it every mod update, thanks!

3. The Yasen Proj 885M can go 35 knots max, 28 knots is for it it move about silently. It also could carry a whopping 40 P800 [P700 in game] missiles [10x4]. Easy fixes.

4. Russian campaign still crashing. 68 and 84. Papa class, sink carrier group, leave battle...then blank screen with no text or buttons etc. Happens every time now. Get sunk in Yasen. Blank screen.

5. Also, CWIS came in 1980 for both the RUS and US, not in 1968 IIRC. So I guess "68" versions of vessels need to be made for Essex and the other warships...that is why they were so scared in the 60s of the SSGNs, and why Phalanx etc. were invented.

6. Please adjust the campaign selection so that only period appropriate subs are selectable? I am sure you would get no complaints from anyone, as most would want accuracy over easy [Seawolf vs Novembers all day? Where is the challenge?].

7. This is for Ramius I guess: Shouldn't the Papa class representation be the Charlie II model, since they are very similar subs. Perhaps model twin screws on a Charlie II? An Oscar is a little huge for a Papa representation no?

That is all for now thanks CaptainX.
1. I'm not the one who designed most of the new torpedoes and weapons, you'll have to contact the authors who made those and ask them about accuracy... but every person's opinion on accuracy is different, that's why I stopped designing weapons and classes personally, because I got tired of everyone telling me I was wrong no matter what I did. I nearly stopped working on the mod because of it. Not everything has to be 100% realistic or accurate... it's a game, enjoy yourself.

2. Same answer as above... But I don't have the time to go through every single weapon and verify its stats... as long as it works, that's all I'm concerned with. if you'd like to correct all of the weapons, and send the weapons.txt file to me, then I'll include it... at least until someone says that you're wrong and it needs to be changed again LOL.

3. Now as for sub stats, THOSE are extremely important because they directly affect gameplay. (FYI, the warhead setting on the weapons does nothing as far as I can tell, the weapons seem to do the same damage regardless of what you set the number to), but sub stats are an entirely different story. And with the Yasen, you're correct - I misread the Wikipedia entry. I will definitely fix that.

4. The only option I have at this point to fix that is to remove the Russian campaign from the mod. I have done everything else I can think of to fix it. It'll be up to the campaign author to fix it if he can, and he's on vacation for the next 9 or 10 days... so I can leave it in the mod or remove it at this point, those are the only options.

5. No way am I doing something like that LOL... that's all on the devs. I don't mess with surface ships. They're exactly as the devs designed them. The ones in the mod were done by other authors to add extra options, such as the US ships for the Russian campaign. But making 68 versions of all vessels and then editing the campaign to change those would be a massive project, one which I don't have time to take on personally.

6. If I do this, then I am stopping contributions to the mod, because it's becoming too much hassle for me to sort out all the new subs being sent in and which ones are 84 and which ones are 68 because no one gives me info on what they send me. I spent hours yesterday fixing all of the single missions with all kinds of missing stuff and it was a logistical nightmare.

7. Since we're working with a limited number of models, everyone is doing the best they can. We're learning more and more, so things may change over time, but I think all of the contributors have done a damn good job so far.

I also feel the need to point out that nitpicking every little thing is starting to irritate those who contribute to the mod. It's going to cause some of them to stop if it keeps going, myself included. Us modders talk to each other on the Discord channel, and we all know and realize that this is a game, not a simulator, and sometimes you have to balance between realism and gameplay. It will never be 100% accurate and realistic. That's just how it is. It's a game.

Don't get me wrong, there are certain things that we do like to know and need to know, such as my wildly incorrect stats on the Yasen... I totally understand that, and will make the appropriate changes. But admittedly, it is more than slightly annoying when it appears that people grab and update, and instead of playing the game, instantly open the files, and look for anything to criticize. I'm an over-the-road truck driver who works 7 days a week. I get 3 or 4 days off every two weeks. I've been dedicating those days to updating and improving a mod that I do not get paid for.

My point is that if you spot something major, such as the horribly wrong Yasen stats, or the campaign crash bug (which I have now stated I cannot fix) then telling us about those is fine. But seriously, stop nitpicking about stuff like warhead stats (which don't matter anyway)... just play the game and enjoy it.

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"We'll settle this the old Navy way... the first guy to die loses!"
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