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Old 07-31-17, 11:18 AM   #7
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Eu explores account freezes

No real surprise, but nice to see a smoking gun. Maybe it makes some more people think. For my own part, I finished my preparations by now - what I think I can do in this messy situation, I think I have done. Maybe not one year too early - who knows. Things can turn nasty in ten months, in ten days, or in ten years. It is this total unpredictability that made me withdrawing completely from stockmarket transactions. You do not need an uncertainty indicator of 90% - chances of 50:50 already means that evertyhing is possioble and all outcomes realising are totally random.

And what is the result of these efforts to keep failing banks alive? You keep alive banks that are not able to live by themselves, and all others pay for this. Like subsidizing economic branches that are not competitive, and subsidizing companies that without subsidies would die. This way, you constantly increase the need for for more and more subsidies, since the uncompetitive actors get artificaly kept alive, and caus eplenty of fallout.

Its part of market economy to let unhealthy players down. The opposite to market economy, is planned economy. And we know from amyn historixc examples - and currently Venezuela - where this leads to, inevitably. From weakening to collapsing, from collapsing to dying.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.

Last edited by Skybird; 07-31-17 at 12:17 PM.
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