Thread: [REL] Playable Russian Subs
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Old 07-31-17, 10:31 AM   #213
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Originally Posted by ChaosphereIX View Post
I play your mod all the time, I want to get elite campaigns in all classes

I had to do quite a bit of fixing on my end, some things were OCD:

1. fixed lists of available subs for 84 and 68 campaigns so period appropriate subs are only available to play / be played against. Special note: There is no Permit 68 or Sturgeon 68 in the vessels file.

2. standardized all weapon warhead weights to lbs, and fixed some speeds and other stats of the weapons

3. changed over the GW and EA SSBNs to Mk37s for the 68 campaign - quite a fright when I got shot at by 3 mk48s in my Papa!

4. Fixed available torpedo types for certain classes that are more accurate with their historical loadout - some ancient subs were given USET 80s or Mk48s etc.

5. US sub profiles are missing in the Russian campaign in 68? I get a white screen.

Loving the re-balanced sound profiles - just wondering how you calibrated them?

That is all I noticed for now

Thanks for all the hard work sir.
To respond to each point:

1. Yeah, this is up to each individual player, I just designed the mod so everyone has all options, it's easy enough to edit to suit your own preferences here. Also, I just checked the vessel list, the Permit and Sturgeon 68 subs are in there. They're not in the mod override folder because they haven't been changed from vanilla, so the game is just using the original vanilla files for those.

2. All of the weapons I added were in lbs, but remember that a larger portion of the mod was sent in by contributors, who may not have used lbs. I don't have the time to check every file sent in for accuracy, otherwise I might as well design it all myself. Only way to prevent this would be to stop incoming contributions.

3. Those are from the Russian Campaign mod, so I didn't touch them nor are they balanced with everything else.

4. I originally tried to do this but people complained that they wanted the option of all torp types on all subs, so I tried my best to do that.

5. The Russian Campaign author didn't bother adding them, I suppose.

As for the sound profiles, one of the game devs sent me the numbers they plan on using for the upcoming 1.7 update, along with the actual sound scale used by the game (most mods are way off on this scale) and I based the numbers off of those factors.

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