Thread: FOTRS vs TMO?
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Old 07-14-17, 10:20 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by Rockin Robbins View Post
We'll have an OTC (probably under a different name) mod where you have a perfect recognition manual with all correct measurements in it and every ship on the ocean represented. If you miss, it will be your fault unless you get a faulty torpedo. I hate this one. Many wouldn't play SH4 without it. We'll have it. I don't have the right to tell you how to play your game.
My friend RR doesn't understand the issue of having proper working equipment compared to his "fog of war" perspective that all play should be guesswork.

If we left it up to him, his idea of realistic game play would be for us all to follow the "O'Kane" system of firing, where you get as close as you can to a target, fire at a 90 degree AoB, and expect to get hits. Lee Harvey Oswald was killed with a gut shot to the ribs on TV.....anyone can do that!

I have no tolerance for those that persist in believing a Stadimeter found range should be missing accurate range by 50%....half of what it should be. It's as if you're telling us the U.S. Military sent out rifles that fired 2 feet to the right.......just go ahead and use them........its realistic behavior! Even the first grunt firing the weapon would have figured out what to do with his inaccurate weapon, besides turning it onto the dope that handed it to him!

Double R is going to say that having a realistic measurement in the Recognition Manual is hogwash.....should never be there. The "fog of war" should prevail as the way to get a firing solution. Just guess at it, knowing the figures are wrong, and be happy with the outcome.

I can't disagree more! No Captain would have relied on knowing his figures are inaccurate and accepted the inaccurate results. He would have done something about it on his first patrol, due to nothing more than realizing his error in inaccurate measurement was just as bad as a Compass reading South when it should read East.

That's been my stand for years with this game......funny, no one complained about the nuts on, to the exact yard, figures you get when using the Sonar to give found range. But, it's breaking some "ethical rule" when a Stadimeter reading might produce a close estimate range figure?

The HMS Shannon vs. USS Chesapeake outside Boston Harbor June 1, 1813

USS Chesapeake Captain James Lawrence lay mortally wounded...
.."tell the men to fire faster, fight 'till she sinks,..boys don't give up the ship!"
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