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Old 07-14-17, 03:35 AM   #62
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Kapitan - I use only real data from first hand. And write about few. Can say, that US Mark-48 Mod.7 CBASS is elderly torpedo in reality, but in USA not know now about, so not know data about modern Russian torpedoes. I can say, that it good, so if war starting US submarines would be easy sunk. British Spearfish torpedo is outdate now. UK wish buy US Mk-48 torpedoes, but can not made this. For replace Spearfish.
Soviet unguided torpedoes VA-111 Shkval now not use, so we have more modern guided rocket torpedoes like Shkval.
If you read data about torpedoes before 1989 year, so can read, that Mk-48 not supertorpedo, but ordinary torpedo in world. Soviet and Russian secret regime about modern torpedoes good, and in west not know real data about moder our weapons. Few days ago in Russia say, that in service Fizik-2 torpedo now. What you know about?

May be you know data about other modern Russian torpedoes? No. You not know about. But think, that elderly US Mk-48 and outdate UK Spearfish torpedoes best. It is very very good! Excellent. Continue think so and more! When war start our victory would be easy.
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