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Old 07-13-17, 04:10 PM   #1
Navy Dude
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Default Allied units on strategic map and further possibilities

I know many have requested to be able to see allied/neutral shipping on map. While that would certainly add flavor to the game and makes the player feel that it's not just him against the world. It wouldn't really change the current campaign.

So I got to thinking that if the devs is willing to go through the trouble to adding them to the strategic map. What else can be done that can bring additional gameplay element for the player.

One problem is that NATO Submarine does not play well with others. As in they don't operate in packs and even if they are task as escort for surface ships, they will not operate anywhere close to the friendly ships. They usually will be way ahead scouting/clearing the path.

That means you won't see your sub as part of a SAG/Amphib like your Soviet counterpart (Guess red on red is not really a big concern for them) and with the freeform movement on the strategic map. How do you make the player feel that he's actually part a SAG without actually being incorporated into such a group (in a remote way)?

Here's a few possible solutions:

Rendezvous marker on the Strategic map. The appropriate surface group will be spawn at the location and you're given certain amount of time to arrive at the location. (more inline with how the current strategic map operates).

Respawn player sub automatically to the appropriate location and fast forward the ingame calendar to account for travel time. (just like repair/rearm in port)

Mission type rundown:

Reinforcement: Player would proceed in front of their allies (transports) and clear a path to a friendly port

Mine Laying: Clear a path for allies to marker on strategic map and loiter till mining operation completes.

Rescue: Allied ship/sub sunk with survivor in water. Head to maker (close to you current location). Pickup survivors (loiter for certain time) then head for closest port or allied surface ship.

Assistance: Allied ship/sub (spawn close to player) suffers damage from engaging enemy and will require player to clear a path in front of them to reach friendly port.

All of the above can be further randomise so there may or may not be enemies in the way, so you may end up doing the whole mission on the strategic map (which maybe a nice change of pace).

Further refinement can actually have these missions linked to actual allied movement on the strategic map with some form of simplified combat resolution and random news popup of other actions performance so show other war effort beside the ones that the player was engaged in.

Please feel free to add any other ideas.
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