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Old 07-13-17, 02:30 AM   #55
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Originally Posted by ollie1983 View Post
This Russian fanboy stance doesn't wash.

The Alfa class were very noisy. The fact they could dive deep and had a high top speed, yeah and? You don't think NATO could build a submarine out of titanium if they wanted to?

OTH radar- has serious limitations. Go and research about it. It's resolution is rather poor to say the least. Of use only for early warning, the Americans had them too.

Don't get wrapped around the axle with what steel or materials subs are made of. Silence is the key driver.

The USSR was broke. Defence spending was what made the Cold war so prolonged. And don't start down the nuclear war line because it's an irrelevance. Both sides had the throw weight to smash each other and still do.
Noisy.... 1991 year: "After the reconnaissance of the SF data, the commander of the diesel boat, Captain 3rd Rank AP Ushakov, 4 Squadrons, Pl Plv SF, told me that he had discovered a foreign boat with a long-range contact with the terminal complex from a distance of as much as 60 miles. And I watched her for more than 3 days."
Detection range 60 miles against US submarine LA class. Ushakov submarine was "B-471". Detection was made during transfer from Black sea to Northern sea.
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