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Old 07-07-17, 08:01 AM   #4
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That was his boat. Reminiscing for a moment, he said he was 17ish, this being a bunch of years ago that I ran into him. We connected because of submarines and I have a respect for the history and the challenges faced.

I was just looking for the picture I remember and don't see it. It really didn't have much meaning for me and probably went with a hard drive purging.

I was kind of surprised when he said the Navy never really kept up with him and didn't seem to know him. I just put it down to the times and that the military was releasing several millions of service members at the time. He said he got a physical and a bus ticket to his parents home in Nebraska. But, he was in a wheel chair and I gave him some errand rides and an older computer. I made the picture a part of the screen saver. I had it bypass the login and he just clicked on IE and got a home page with links. He ended up leaving the Navy shortly after the war with only like 2 years of service. He became a teacher and retired as a principal.

I think I spent all of a day looking for info and reading a general summary of the event. He remembered the mission as just being scared. I put it down to his being a farm kid in an alien world.

He was a neighbor to an apartment that I rented. He passed of heart failure and a niece came, collected him, and took him for burial.

Anyway, the immersion part of CW and the opportunity of missions out of the norm are a value for us that didn't live/participate in the times. Nowadays we just fire a missile from many miles away.

Good luck on the mod.
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