Thread: [REL] Playable Russian Subs
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Old 07-05-17, 09:06 AM   #128
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I didn't balance the changes to the 212A against the Seawolf, I balanced it against the 688i that I designed myself, which sits at 100 and 25. I might need to reconsider accepting contributions of new subs to the mod, because I'm not sure I have enough time to balance out every class that comes in... either that, or require that contributions be balanced against the 688i that already exists in the mod.

I do know that in my tests with the Red October, any self noise rating of 20 or below is almost impossible to detect on US sonars, and is impossible for Russian sonars. If you make a sub with a self noise below that, it's very unlikely the enemy will detect you unless you do something to reveal your position, like use active sonar or surface.

Crew voices are part of the game, not any mod. I'm not aware of them being removed anytime recently, and I'm on the 1.05 beta version.

New Playable Subs & More - A Mod For Cold Waters

"We'll settle this the old Navy way... the first guy to die loses!"
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