Thread: [REL] FOTRS Ultimate Project
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Old 07-01-17, 07:12 AM   #4817
Ace of the Deep
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Originally Posted by propbeanie View Post
Check the depth of the boat at periscope depth and the range to the target. It might be that you're just a pinch below a good PD and losing lock from wave?...
Don't think it is a depth problem. Using manual targeting, I noticed last night that I could automatically id targets at night at over 2000 yards, but could not get an automatic ID (marked by caret) on a target that was only 600 yards away. Seems erratic. Sometimes the target will mark automatically in poor weather, and other times a lock won't hold long enough to get the auto ID and still hit the fire button, especially if you force the unlock in order to pick a different aiming point, which I like to do. Very frustrating when a Mogami passes directly in front of my tubes at 600 yards but my auto targeting won't fix on him.

That said, the bugs with the sonar guy seem to have been squashed. Maybe my keelhauling tactic snapped him out of his Sh*t, or you fixed it in v0.62 (I'm guessing the latter). And my sound problems have disappeared with this release (except for certain command acknowledgements, such as "Firing at Will". I can certainly live with that!

One last question (Sure, like that will happen): As I've said I prefer to be able to increase TC beyond the 2048x added with release v0.60. I got it all the way up to 8192x for v0.61 by changing it in main.cfg in the mod itself, but doing this same change in v0.62 didn't work. Did I miss something or did someone find a new way to impose the limit? Note that I applied the change to the core game and the v0.62 mod. Doesn't seem to work even after reloading the game without the mod, then reapplying the mod. EDIT: I restarted the PC and found my changes were now applied! There must be some residuals from the mods in memory that are not overlayed when I changed the "main.cfg" value and reloaded the mod via JSGME. Something that may be important when it comes to applying mods - from now on when I unload a mod or apply a mod over another one, whether a different mod or a reapplication of an existing one, I will reboot the system to ensure all old values are gone, then apply the changed or new one (hope that makes sense).

Run Silent, Run Deep, and Sink 'em All

Last edited by torpedobait; 07-01-17 at 09:33 AM.
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