Thread: TLAM Woes
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Old 06-26-17, 05:18 PM   #1
Grey Wolf
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Default TLAM Woes

So - I went on my first ever TLAM Surface Strike Mission

Had not done this before, but had read about it on the forums

I started out stuck between a couple of ASW ships (there was also a Soviet chopper working the area)

So I figured - if I sit here and launch all 12 of my Tomahawk missiles, they will be all over me like white on rice - I will be dead before I get all 12 off

Lets be smart about this

The Tomahawk missile has several hundreds miles range at least (I think?) - so lets head North and launch well away from any Soviet ASW Ships

I settle for this -about 210, 000 yards (about 120 miles?)

First problem - but not the one I am posting about - during time compression during my run North, the conditions tab showed me a sea bottom of over 1000 feet. As soon as I came out of TC I was actually under the sea floor and taking damage

A few seconds after this the conditions tab reset to about 300 feet

I survived this with minimal damage and set about launching all 12 of my TLAMS

This is where the frustration set in

I followed every one in and they all did exactly the same thing

They got as far as the spit of land just in front of my target and then circled into the sea and exploded

I watched every single one do this

Was I being too cute by heading 120 miles North first?

IS it that the game is only programmed to guide TLAMS in from approximately where you spawn in to the mission?

Or am I missing something obvious, and there is something I should have done first to make the TLAMS work?

Any feedback would be appreciated

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