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Old 06-25-17, 04:12 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by p.jakub88 View Post
Hello everyone,

i just started my Pacific career using the RSRDC_TMO_V502 mod, i am currently on my 3rd patrol.

However, i received an objective that i don't fully understand:

"Deploy to position 2830N 1273E by 150 nm (130 nm NNW of Okinawa) for 96 hours. Conduct anti-shipping operations in the East China Sea shipping lines. Make reports to higher authority as necessary".

I reached the position 2830N 1273E and i sunk 3 fishing boats (600 tons total) using deck gun in the area named East China Sea. Does this mean that i need to patrol/wait 96 hours within 150 nm of my current position?

I am running out of fuel and i don't want to stay in enemy waters longer than absolutely necessary. The nearest allied port is Darwin in Australia (i started patrol at Midway), so maybe i will manage to reach it at 1/3 speed.

English is not my native language (i am living in Poland), but those objectives are unclear for me. Could anyone explain it to me? Thank You in advance for reply and sorry for such dumb question.


Draw a circle circle 150 NM around the "star" on the map, stay within that circle for 96 hours, the star should change to colors to black/light gray and your lob will say objective complete. Also, must sink shipping and the tonnage requirement is usually that of one mid sized freighter. Few fishing boats wont get it.

Youre running TMO also, so ahead 2/3 will get you the most range. Use bridge tool bar which has "range to end" "max range at speed" use this at various speeds and youll get your best range.

Sometime I patrol different areas than RSRD assigned because I've learned for whatever reason you are often assigned to dead areas, esp in later war. Assigned to some areas, will look in the traffic files and seebarely any traffic. I am working on an upgrade and its one of the things I plan to change.

Also, not sure if are aware but you can't end patrol at Darwin, only get fuel, then will have to travel all way back to homeport(Midway or Pearl?)

May be worth it to just head home, end patrol and begin a new one.
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