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Old 06-25-17, 01:23 PM   #102
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For the sake of discussion, can we not simply take it as read that Cold Waters is not Dangerous Waters, and vice-versa?
I'm getting tired of seeing, "But it's NOT THE SAME!" being argued as if the two games were ever supposed to be such blood brothers in the first place.
They. Are. Not. The. Same. Deal. With. It.

Originally Posted by Philipp_Thomsen View Post
There's absolutely NOTHING about Cold Waters that is remotely related to a "simulator".
Sound velocity, ambient noise, submarine noise, bottom bounce, and transient sounds are all modeled. Even sound convergence zones are modeled, despite the fact you never use them.
Aw, snap, sounds a bit "Sim-Like" to me...

Originally Posted by Philipp_Thomsen View Post
ArmA 3 is a simulator, while Battlefield 3 is arcade.
Project Cars is a simulator, while Gran Turismo 5 is arcade.
So, the most realistic driving physics model ever programmed into a game makes it an Arcade Game?
Lol, wut?

The Sim-vs-Arcade argument is not about features, or style of game controls, it's about the FIDELITY OF SIMULATION.
Cold Waters, for all of it's simplistic presentation, has some very deep and capable simulation running underneath the surface. That makes it a sim, whether you like it or not.
Is a tank simulator suddenly not a simulator because it requires you to manually drive your tank, and aim and fire your guns instead of ordering your crew to accomplish those tasks for you?

Does it simulate everything? No.
Does it simulate ENOUGH things? Yes.

So far as the arguments about control schemes go, let me say this:
In a flight simulator, no matter how good your autopilot is, you still need to manually take off and land.
No matter what you do, you cannot avoid manually flying your aircraft.
So tell me, why does Cold Waters have to be any different?
The developers have stated their intention to add some kind of autopilot functionality into the game, so as far as I'm concerned, any complaints about the control scheme are moot the moment that is released.

Now, to get back on topic:

2) Eye Candy.
3) Icebergs.
4) Shooting myself with my own torpedo.
5) Being able to do things sneakily, or fast and loud, as I choose.
6) Sinking the Moskva.
7) Outrunning my own Mk37 Torpedo in the Skipjack just for fun.
8) I don't know about everyone else, but simple audio cues and scrolling notifications are enough for me to maintain situational awareness. I never did like the constant litany of "New Contact Acquired" that you get in other games. It's a convoy. I'm aware there are a dozen contacts. You don't need to carefully inform me about every single one of them.

1) The Mk37 Torpedo.
2) Shooting myself with my own torpedo.
3) The lack of an autopilot.
4) Failing a mission while tied up at the dock.
5) Killing enemy ships doesn't seem to reduce their overall campaign strength. (I.E. If I sink a few dozen ships, the frequency of enemy surface ships appearance should lower a bit, right?)
6) I would like the text notifications to be persistent, and not to disappear until replaced by new ones. Should be a simple fix to the, "I need my crew to yell at me or I'm blind and deaf!" problem.

Other than that, I'm enjoying the heck out of this game, and from what I've seen of patches and future plans, I'll be playing this for years.
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