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Old 06-25-17, 06:30 AM   #2075
Fleet Admiral
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Just finished watching a terrible movie "King Dinosaur" (1955)

I am a big 50s-60s scifi/monster movie fan. I have seen some good ones and some bad ones, but this one takes the cake.

It is Bert I Gordon's first movie. For movie lovers, that name speaks volumes.

Like the other B.I.G. movies, there is plenty of cheezy special effects, tons of stock film, acting so bad it really can't be considered acting. What is there not to love?

But what made this movie at the bottom of the BIG barrel is the plot. Four of the world's stupidest scientists are sent to a new planet to survey it for earthling colonization. Planet looks good, but there is an ominous island in the middle of a large lake. Naturally, they explore this island and discover dinosaurs. Well actually lizards and iguanas, but to BIG they are dinosaurs. Of little surprise there is this big iguana.. uh I mean dinosaur (one Iguana to rule them all) on this island.

Predictably, some of our idiots are attacked and almost killed. They somehow escape... by simply sneaking away to safety. So far, typical cheap 50s enjoyable movie.

At the very end of the movie, these scientists decide that the only logical solution is to set off an atomic device... that they just happen to have with them (Nukes, evidently were lighter back then) and destroy all the life on this island.

Dr. Ralph Martin: [after detonating an atomic bomb and watching it annihilate much of Planet Nova] Well, we've done it.
Dr. Richard Gordon: Yeah, we sure have done it: Brought civilization to Planet Nova.
Dr. Ralph Martin: Come on, let's go home.

That's it? Travel to a new planet and just because you know of a "king dinosaur" trapped on an easily avoidable island, the top scientists decide that nuking it is the right decision??

Well, the new planet was named Nova after all.

I am a big B.I.G. fan and I have copies of most of his movies. But this "when in doubt, drop the big one" was just too cheezy even for B.I.G.

The movie is 63 minutes long and I think about 30 minutes of the movie consist of stock footage.

At least B.I.G. got better... kinda.
abusus non tollit usum - A right should NOT be withheld from people on the basis that some tend to abuse that right.
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