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Old 06-19-17, 11:26 AM   #3164
Dipped Squirrel Operative
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Every ever so small quote from the book Obama wrote ("Dreams From My Father") is so much more intelligent and thoughtful than everything i heard Trump say packed together.
To insult or trying to slur Obama for his own thoughts about afro-american roots and for what he thinks of colonialism, is nothing short of racist. He is so obvioulsy and blatant right about what he writes that it hurts. And the right let loose after this election does not even consider itself to be racist, this is ridiculous. In the long run only education helps, something the far right seems to be lacking big time.

"Obama a marxist at heart"
"Trump is standing up for the people"
"Trump is pushing for tax cuts for everyone"
"The man is trying to do away with the monstrosity known as obamacare"
"[Giving Iran] ...millions of dollars lol, because he really does not mind if Iran has a nuke, at his core he believes it'll help curb US power and influence"

I never have read so much bovine scatology in a few lines, apart maybe in that certain hidden other US right wing forum.

And Obama has an anti-colonial mindset? awwww i'm shocked, i tell you! F'n yes, and rightly so! What do you think your grandfathers did to the africans? Thank god those times are over for a hundred years, racism obviously isn't. So you are still a colonial supporter or what? UnbeF'nlievable!!

On topic:
As i wrote i fear he will be president at least for four years, as someone else here wrote idiocy alone is not a crime, so just maybe there is no impeachmant. On the other hand there is a german proverb saying "Dummheit schuetzt vor Strafe nicht."

>^..^<*)))>{ All generalizations are wrong.
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