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Old 06-18-17, 04:47 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by propbeanie View Post
Well, I just went in and tried myself, and the US_Minefields.mis file in FotRSU is empty. We might have to change that in an add-on mod for "realizm"... hmmm... Anyway, I added a subnet to the file and saved it. Opened it again, and it is indeed there. So I added in a player's boat and saved that as a Single Mission file, thinking that maybe the "friendly" subnet would be "friendly" to the player's boat. It is NOT:

3% hull damage from that one little tap at about 1 knot speed, after having called an "All Stop" from having been at Ahead One Third on the approach. I hit Back Emergency to prevent further damage. Which leads me to ask you this: How are you "planting" your subnets? This is what it should look like when you're finished with it:

The important part being that "Add Waypoint" and dragging in the direction you want it to be placed. I usually put their "Height" on the properties page at "-1" so that they're below the surface, but not necessary. You can "stack" them also, if desired, but I can't remember right now how "deep" they go... 10 meters?... They can cover a "deep harbor" entrance like that... btw, the Minefields are the similarly placed, but the minefields need a "radius" figure in the "WayPoint" dialog... You could use like 1km for them, and then go back and forth with them to add some "depth" to how wide the field is. You can also set them in "Height"... It would be a good idea to give your skippers a marked chart where your friendly minefields and anti-submarine nets are...

For a decent looking example, look at the FotRSU "Jap_Minefield.mis" file in the latest version. That came from TMO v1.7 originally, of course, but may have been altered for Fall of the Rising Sun. We haven't done much to change it, except around Truk, since all the inbound and outbound Convoys and TaFees were routed through the minfields and over the nets... Didn't work too well like that...

Hmm what are you "saving" as for the campaign when deal with minefields and subnets? I save as random layer like I do any other or as a scripted layer, land units layer etc?.

I set the depth to -1 meter. Basically right now just putting a net around Midway to simulate the reef and the narrow entrance, so can't just enter Midway from any direction, adds a little immersion, realism, challenge even if make the entrance channel narrow enough. Read multiple accounts of difficulty entering midway. Recall one book(believe it was Galantin's book Take her Deep!) mentioned a grounding that occurred with a sub)

I've added traffic to Ulithi Harbor(usharbortraffic file) since it's a refueling point player can use and looked silly for a major flee anchorage to be empty , traffic it showed up. Placing sub net around the perimeter in order to have access point limited as well.

I've had this issue with Japanese minfields and subnets as well, I save then they dont show up on the ME when I reload files and dont show up in the game.

Last edited by Bubblehead1980; 06-18-17 at 05:37 PM.
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