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Old 06-14-17, 06:43 PM   #88
Join Date: Sep 2016
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Ok guys. Here's the first version of "realism" mod.


- reduced recon ranges - planes will pretty much detect only what's below them, satelites have a slightly bigger range but still half of what they had
- time 2x slower - that's just my personal preference
- bonus: Nato icons for the map - with the exception of satelites and airplanes, because in the game they rotate to face direction they're going

- largely increased angular momentum for LA class sub (for testing) - the subs in CW feel a bit too weightless and responsive when it comes to turning. With this on they resemble behaviour from DW. It takes some time before the boat will start rotating and it will also take some time for it to stop. It's also more difficult to dodge torpedoes, but on the flip side, requires even more attention from the player. Right now only works for LA.

- MAD detection range reduced to 400 - even 1000 seemed to much for me
- Sonobuoys passive sensitivity reduced to 25 - I believe they were not as strong as BQQ-5.
- Dipping sonar sensitivity increased to 32 - I think the default 26 was a bit too weak
- decreased TMA rate for player and AI to 0.7 - before you could obtain a perfect TMA solutions very quickly. Now you'll have to work for them (change course, use ECM, etc.)

- increased warheads for all torpedoes and missiles - if known I used real tnt equivalent, if not I multiplied real warhead sizes by 1.8 (tnt ratio of Mk48 warhead materials) for later weapons and 1.3 (tnt ratio of Mk37 warhead materials) for earlier
- decreased acquisition range for Mark 48 to 1600. - based on a few sources on the internet - now it requires a proper solution or a bit of luck
- decreased sensor angle for Mark 48 to 60. - I think 80 was a bit too much
- increased acquisition range for Test-71 to 1500. - again, based on some internet sources
- decreased lifetime for knuckles to 3
- decreased noise (effectivnes) for knuckles to 50 - I think knuckles are a bit OP currently. With this mod they stay for very short time and work only when a torpedo is very close

- decreased player hull strength to 0.65 - to reflect single hull constructions - now most torpedoes will kill you
- increased AI hull strength to 1.25 - to reflect double hull. Takes 3 torps to sing a Typhoon, but for any other sub it's still pretty much 1 hit-kill.
- increased combat repair time to 2.5 - they felt too fast for me

Using MekStark's low underwater visibility mod.

One important thing: play it on HARD. On other some changes won't work.

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