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Old 06-14-17, 04:12 PM   #80
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Originally Posted by Julhelm View Post
It doesn't cheat. The AI uses the same TMA and sensor algorithms as the player and generally shoots only on an >85% solution. What happens when they ping you is the same that happens when you ping them - if above the detection threshold, the solution % climbs rapidly, then each successive ping maintains it.

Enemy subs can launch wireguided torpedoes as well, and they will resteer them providing they have a >85% solution on you and can track you, just like you can.
Maybe max "spawn" distance should be more when mission starts (least option to have say about 50, 25 is bit low) , now its easy to player to just shoot snap shot active torpedos because Ai can't run away. And then player would lost first contact more easily.
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