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Old 06-14-17, 03:46 PM   #2
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Slight copy-paste from the other thread.

All it has to go on is one active ping and sends a torpedo in that direction, fair enough. What is not OK is the AI from that point on knowing exactly which direction you are heading, in real time, and correct the torpedo on every turn you make. Check this by modifying "SelfNoise" and "ActiveSonarReflection" to a very low number so there is no way you are detected through that, do active pinging until they launch, then go silent and deep. See the same with surface ships responding to a torpedo arriving, and from that knowing exactly where you are even tho you made a full 180 after launching them, or turned the torpedo 90 degrees half way to trick them.
Seems to me like the AI knows exactly where you are but the devs have thrown in some randomizing on depth and distance until they have a more accurate sonar reading, in order for it to seem more legitimate. Problem is in the cases I've seen, they should have no reading to go on at all, and often "forgets" it is supposed to not know exactly where you are.

There's also a bug with AI in regards to (at least) surface vessels. If you've been detected in the slightest before(launching rockets, broaching*coughNotMe* etc.) and go undetected for a while, and they then detect a MOSS you fired ages ago, they sometimes end up targeting you for a launch even though 5 minutes have past and you've made sure to stay way outside their detection range(s).

On that note the AI in general needs a lot of work. Seeing it too often turn into an active torpedo, launch noisemakers too soon/late or not at all with no change in depth, go nose first into the bottom, or not taking into consideration that its torpedoes are just as lethal to them. Send a MOSS into a wolf pack(Just found out it is also effective vs Kiev) and watch the carnage. Also yet to see a boat successfully beat a torpedo, but don't know if that is historically accurate?
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