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Old 06-13-17, 06:25 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by jenrick View Post
What I've had good results with:

Use the MK37 on the escorts, as they can and will evade a MK16 most of the time. A MK37 will either drive them away (and after a protracted tail chase, might even kill them) or at least get them to maneuver. In 1968 the escorts have to be a lot closer to attack you (RBU's and depth charges mainly), so forcing them away solves that problem.

If the main target is a military ship that has a pretty decent chance of evading a torpedo spread (so warhships rather support ships), I'll again us the MK37 as it will at least track. It is slow enough that most ships just run and turn, in that time period it's about 50/50 on if the target has the speed to outrun it. Regardless of if the MK37 will catch the target, they have now created a straight movement vector that I can try the MK16 with. If you can set it up so they are running directly away from you, a MK16 fired straight at them (basically overtaking the MK37) has worked fairly well for me.

Regardless of ship type if I can get close undetected (3kyds or less), I'll try a 3 torpedo spread of MK16's. I center on on the blue intercept dot, and then a half targeting box (the little blue box) fore and aft on the track. Honestly being able to set torpedo dispersion would be handy here. This has worked reasonably well, but I do get a lot of evading targets too. The second they start to turn I'll fire off whatever MK37's I have available, to hopefully chase them down.

For convoys (the stop the amphibious landing missions for instance), I'll put a whole spread of every tube I've got into the pack from abeam if possible. I'm not trying to be picky, I'm trying to guarantee at least a couple of kills of the transports. That's all it takes to succeed on the mission from what I've seen.

Overall it's a bit like being a skipper in SH4, and using the TDC for the whole engagement. Get in close, then closer, then even closer, and shoot enough torpedo's to make the whole process woth it. I'd love to be able to shoot from the periscope as I've been close enough to have basically treated the engagement as a convoy engagement from WW2, and it would have actually been a lot simpler and faster to use the O'Kane method rather then messing with the indicator dot.

I'll toss in that I've had my best success with the Skipjack. In 1968 what's being shot at you is very similar to WW2, go fast, maneuver hard, and change in the vertical, you can dodge a lot of what is tossed at you while closing to within a reasonable range of your target. I like the extra few knots the Skipjack gets me once it's time to crank the throttle to full or flank.

Very helpful reply, thanks!
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