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Old 06-10-17, 05:14 PM   #10
Samurai Navy
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I just loaded the beta update and played a first campaign mission. Subs were going into North Atlantic, via northern passage above Iceland, and my mission was to interdict.
Started combat at 5 knots, 150ft. Juliet and Alfa were bearing 120, heading 240. I went to silent running, and a slow decent. The Juliet, which was closest, maintained a depth of around 250 ft. The Alfa was at 300+ ft and descending. Both were below the layer. Neither was using sonar at the time.
After a few more minutes, I lunched a torpedo each, and continued at silent, with a slow decent. Both enemy subs started pinging. The Juliet maintained depth, while the Alfa continued decent and a turn. Torpedo hit Juliet and destroyed it. Juliet never fired back. The Alfa crashed into the bottom, and with its nose planted into the sea bed at a 20 degree angle(head down, a__ up), fired off two torpedoes which impacted the ground immediately in front of it. Eventually my torpedo impacted the Alfa and killed it.
My realism settings were the default.
Active member of the 'Church of SH4'
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