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Old 06-08-17, 04:39 AM   #7983
Nemesis Bosseret
Join Date: Jun 2014
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Originally Posted by GeneralDeath99 View Post
I had a quick question, so after I completed the Baltic Operations near Poland and docked at Kiel on the 4th and ended my patrol, the only available mission so far was the British coastal operations on the East coast. I choose this one and jumped into my new 2nd patrol, however this jumped a few weeks into the game and the date jumped to the 28th of September and I also noticed that the mission to go into Scapa Flow popped up after i've done this.

My question was, if I want to complete any other missions besides the one I choose at the dock, do I have to return to base, end patrol, and then select the other one in a new patrol? (In this case the Breaking the Fortress or North Western Approaches now that that also popped up)

If this is how it's done, knowing that Scapa Flow mission ends on the 15th of October, wont my crew come back on their 3rd patrol was later than that, ultimately missing the due date?

Thank you in advance
Yes. But breaking the fortress if ur dock period is too long ur going to miss it, if i remember right you need to stay at sea at least 11 days from campaign start so 9/11/1939
Check on the first page of this post for the mod and you will find a link showing end dates
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