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Old 06-07-17, 04:54 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by Char View Post
-Aircraft are Psychic. There seems to be NO time between when you do anything noisy or alerting (Like say Launching Torpedoes) and a Bear or Heli appearing. I assume Helis, because only testing in 1968 campaign. Going back to above Convoy, Launched Mark 16s, Undetected from 8k. Good Spread on the tanker. Undetected, Dove,Undetected. Convoy begins maneuvering, Detecting Torpedoes. 10 seconds later, Bear Flies over.

Tanker Takes Hit, sinks. Escorts, STILL EVADING have begun moving away from area. This Attack was perfect... I was sneaking away. I would like to again reiterate, Escorts have NOT even realized I'm here. Bear Drops Sonar Bouy about 4k yards off my port. BAM! Both Escorts Immediately make full Steam back at me. Absolutely Ridiculous.

-Damage Control. Simplistic and effective. However, Better Flooding indicators are needed. I need to know IF a compartment will begin flooding again when I remove the Damage Control Team to another compartment.

-Torpedoes going to Gyro Angle before Clearing the Bow of the Submarine. Had this happen a few times with the Mk. 37. which causes it to contact and detonate. The launches in question were at 5 and 10 knots respectively, and were not more than 10-12 Degrees Opposite of firing tube. Someone Correct me if I'm long, but don't Torpedoes usually have a minimum Arming distance?

-Noisemakers: Bug or Feature? It seems i'm unable to Resupply them at port.

Overall, Enjoying the game when I'm not getting hunted to death by Bears flying well within Friendly NATO Airspace close to NATO controlled Norway, even closer to Potentionally active Norwegian Airbases
Solid observations!
I'm sure with all the feedback the devs can address these things. The friggin' Bears especially. If not, I would probably mod them out of the game myself, lol.
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